We offer a wide-range of programmes at the Avalon
Learn more about them below
Bright Minds Preschool
Bright Minds Preschool operates from 9.15am – 12.15pm, Monday to Friday, September – June and is a provider of the ECCE scheme. Children aged between 2 years and 8 months and 5 years and 6 months are eligible for the scheme and can avail of FREE preschool from September to June for up to two years.
What we offer:
Child-led curriculum in line with Aistear, the Early Years Curriculum Framework
Highly qualified and experienced staff
Enclosed outdoor area
Lots of natural, open-ended materials
For more information or to book your child’s place please call Magdalena on 071 916 1836 or email preschool@theavaloncentre.ie
Bright Minds School Age Childcare Service
Bright Minds School Age Childcare operates from 1.30pm-6pm, Monday to Friday, September-June and is a provider of the National Childcare Scheme which provides subsidised childcare to eligible families.
What we offer:
Collections from Mercy Primary School and Sligo School Project
Homework Support
Hot nutritious meals
Organised Activities
For more information or to book your child’s space please call 071 9161836 or email afterschool@theavaloncentre.ie
Integrated Summer Camps
The Avalon centres summer camps operate for four weeks during the month of July. Week one and three are Junior weeks, suitable for children aged 6-10 years. Weeks two and four are Senior weeks and are suitable for children aged 11-15 years.
The cost of the camps are 110.00 subject to NCS discount if applicable.
Special Needs Programmes
The objective of our special needs programmes is to enhance communication skills, build social integration and promote social inclusion through a range of activities with a focus on FUN!
Current programme times are as follows:
Cool Kids | 3pm-5.30pm
Cool Kids | 3pm-5.30pm
Youth Club | 7pm-8:30pm
Cool Kids | 3pm-5.30pm
Junior Drama Club | 5pm-6pm
Senior Drama Club | 6pm-7pm
Cool Kids | 3.30pm-5.30pm
Saturday Fun Club | 2pm-4pm
Please note that places on the above programmes are allocated on a referral basis only. Referrals are accepted from the HSE Children’s Disability Services, located at Nazareth House, Church Hill Road, Sligo. For more information on these programmes please call William on 07109161836 or email snc@theavaloncentre.ie
Our special needs programmes are funded by the HSE and supported by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection.
Social Day Centre for Older People
The overall aim of this service is to provide older people with an improved quality of life through opportunities for socialisation and lifelong learning. It also endeavours to promote inclusion and integration of older people in the life of the community. It is founded on the premise of dignity and respect, and the choices of older people. It offers support to older people to live longer in their own homes as they get older.
Activities at the Social Day Centre include:
Arts and Crafts,
Music, Bingo
The social day centre is open from 9:30am-3:30pm daily.
If you or someone you know would like to attend the social day centre please contact a relevant health care professional such as a GP, Occupational Therapist or PHN and ask them to fill in the referral form and send it to the Older Peoples Services, Markievicz House, Barrack Street, Sligo.
Seniors Alert Scheme
The Avalon Centre are registered providers of the Seniors Alert Scheme.
The Seniors Alert Scheme (SAS) has been established to encourage community support for vulnerable older people in our communities. It provides funding for a personal monitored alarm, connected to a contact centre to enable older persons of 65 or older and of limited means, to continue to live securely in their homes with confidence, independence and peace of mind.
The Scheme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development via Pobal with equipment made available through community, voluntary and not-for-profit organisations, such as the Avalon Centre, registered with Pobal under the SAS.
Click the button below to download an application form which can be returned to the Avalon Centre by post to ‘SAS Applications, The Avalon Centre, Chapel Street, Sligo’ or by email to reception@theavaloncentre.ie
Little Buddies Parent & Toddler Group
Our Little Buddies Parent & Toddler group takes place each Wednesday morning during term time, from 10-11:30am. The group offers the opportunity for your little one to socialise with other children in a warm, welcoming, fun environment. Tea/Coffee and light snacks are provided.
Cost €5 per family